My effing Blog

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Welllllll I'm not sure i'll use this too much.. becuase i use myspace a TON more... you should go to that one instead.. IF that shows up.. cuz somtimes they dont on these things... Uhm... Joey introduced this thing to me... i guess...

I just got back from New York. It was pretty.... uh.... ugly. and stupid and boring and annoying... it was cool though, i got to go to Jenn's house and be lazy and went to Bulid a bear!! yay! i named my bear rupert. becuase im cool ofcourse. well and she wouldn't name her's that and she wouldn't let me name my bear 'bear' pshhhh North Carolina was ok... except my grandma and AUnt Mary ellen kinda drove me insane.. and i really dont think that my dad's family likes me very much. except for aunt patty.. thats about it. yupp.. welll if you read this.. you must be Joey. or Tamara. well.. See ya.


  • At 9:38 PM, Blogger Andy said…

    Well now you have another reader. You should check mine pretty much twice a day and comment every one of my blogs from now on...kthanks


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