My effing Blog

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Best Friends Aren't Always That.

Every new boyfriend and I become less important.

There are a million examples I could write here, but it really wouldn't matter. That's really the whole blog in one sentence. Aren't friends supposed to come first? Am I really that much of a hassel? Am I as stupid as she thinks I am? When we do talk in person, all I get are nasty looks, or remarks like 'ew... why are you wearing that' or 'why are you talking to them?'. it can't be that "best friends no matter what" relationship that I thought we had, because its only coming from one end. I feel im the only one maiking an effort. that's a terrible feeling, I must say, for those of you that haven't felt it. maybe I wouldn't hate the different guys shes always with if she'd actually invite me to hangout with them, but apparently im just too embarrasing.

Should I just be there for her when they break up? Pass the entire two months off like getting the cold shoulder for 8 weeks wasn't a big deal? I don't think so. But I know when I bring it up to her nothing will change, because with every new 'hottie', the cycle just starts back up again.



  • At 10:49 PM, Blogger Andy said…

    oy. its hard patti. i have been in a similar situation. it sucks. sophmore year my best friend started dating this girl and then we didnt really start hanging out again for another six months. it is different than your situation but similar in some ways as well. what i am trying to say is i know where you are coming from. i guess i would say if you still see worth in it stick it out. i mean i am sure she will realize what is going on eventually. i would like to hope so after you guys have been best friends for so long. and thats the thing too. it would be such a shame for your friendship to end because of a boy. i think no matter what that friendship will continue on just it is in a bit of a slump now. i dont know if any of this means anything to you but again, i think if you just give it time and stick it out things will get better

  • At 10:40 PM, Blogger Jackson Wood said…

    Help. Kerpow. The cycle is definately destructive. I'm sure you have talked to her about it so there is little to say. Ultimatums work relatively nicely. She's your best friend and she should know that and whoever she is with SHOULD know that. If she doesn't tell them, she's cheating you out of respect =\.


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